Page name: Owning a Giffie-Pet [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-10-22 21:00:18
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Owner: Bookwyrm
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Welcome to the rules of owning a giffie-pet!
Please read all the rules carefully and follow instructions accordingly.



Follow the link below to be taken directly to the part of the rules you need :)

#Copyright Notice
Rules on the use of the Giffie art

#Choosing your Pet
Where to start if you're feeling lost

#Giffie-Pet Store Procedure
If you have decided on a pet from the Store

#Giffie-Pet Pound Procedure
If you are rescuing a pet from the Pound

#Taking Care of your Pet
What to do after delivery

#Extra Info
The other stuff that just doesn't fit elsewhere!


Failure to follow these simple instructions
will result in no Giffie-Pet for you :(


   In order to have a pet you must be given one, as they appear in your treasury. These are NOT free gifs to be put up in your bio, photo slots or wiki pages, and any that are seen will be removed by the Guards.

   You may not make banners containing any of the original giffie-pets or alter them in any way without permission from [Bookwyrm]. All work is copyright to the Giffie Artists and is only for use in Elfpack.

   If you have any problems or concerns about pet thieves, or any other violations please report them to the Guards using the button in the member's house, or contact [Bookwyrm] directly.


   Making your choice is an important part of owning a giffie, as you are only allowed one pet to begin with! You may extend your giffie-pet family with Giffie-Pet Slots (max limit of five {5} pets total). See #Extra Info for more info about these. Feel free to browse the Giffie-Pet Store until you find a giffie you like the look of, then follow the procedure so you can take the pet home with you.

   If you want to give a second chance to an abandoned pet, look in the Giffie-Pet Pound. The pets here are ones that have been dropped off by their previous owner, and are looking for a new home. Please note that pounded pets already have a name, and cannot be renamed unless you have won or purchased a Giffie Rename Token. For more about these tokens, see #Extra Info.

   If you want a specific type, take a look in the Normal Pet Storehouse as these are all the types we sometimes get in the store. Then keep a lookout on the Store and the Pound for your desired pet. Please choose wisely, If you don't see a pet up in the store that really catches your eye, wait to see what else comes in stock! Don't fill up the Giffie-Pet Pound while you are trying to decide.

   There are some very special pets you may have seen around. They are the Unique Giffie-Pets, and also rare Exotics... but they are limited and need a special ticket to be bought!

   Once you have chosen and you have followed the rules for requesting the pet, it will be delivered to you as soon as possible. Please do not harass the pet store workers!



<img:stuff/aj/28425/1312066661.png> To reserve your pet simply message [The Giffie Fairy] with your request, telling it which pet you want and the desired name for the pet.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/1312066661.png> Do not request a pet that isn't in the store.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/1312066661.png> The store will restock occasionally, and new animal species may be added at any time. If there are no pets in-store it means we are due for a restock, but please be patient while this happens.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/1312066661.png> Do not exceed the max stock of the pet (if it says 10 in stock and 10 names are already in line you will have to chose a different pet or wait until that pet comes back into stock).



<img:stuff/aj/28425/1312066661.png> To reserve your pet simply add your user name where it says "Adopt Me:" Try reading the Wiki Help pages if you're new to editing wikis.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/1312066661.png> Pound Giffie-Pets will already have a previous name so you cannot give them a new name unless you have a Giffie Rename Token.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/1312066661.png> Do not offer (or attempt) to adopt a pet that has already been reserved. If someone else's name is next to a pet, the pet has been claimed. Deleting their name and replacing it with your own will only hurt your chances of owning a giffie-pet in the future.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/1312066661.png> Please do not offer (or attempt) to adopt a pet if you already have a giffie-pet and do not have another pet slot. We do keep track of these things. ;)

<img:stuff/aj/28425/1312066661.png> If you have a pet already, you can not request a new one until your current one is out of your house. To do this, you must drop your current pet off at the Giffie-Pet Pound.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/1312066661.png> Please be patient and wait for your pet to arrive. We'll get them to you as quickly as possible. :)

     Dropping Off:

<img:stuff/aj/28425/1312066661.png> The pound is first come, first served, as mentioned above. If you drop off a pet it is fair game for another user to adopt. Do not drop off a pet you may want back!

<img:stuff/aj/28425/1312066661.png> If you drop off a pet at the pound you must wait a period of one month before dropping off another pet. This is to prevent abuse of the restock/pound system.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/1312066661.png> Add your username to the Giffie-Pet Pound "Drop Offs" list if you wish to disown your pet. Try reading the Wiki Help pages if you're new to editing wikis.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/1312066661.png> Always add your name to the end of the list, follow the numbered format and keep the page neat.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/1312066661.png> Please do not harass the Giffie-Pound workers about when your pet will be picked up. They will rescue it as soon as they can!


   Most importantly, be sure to look after your pet. Feed them and play with them as much as they need and you'll have one happy giffie in your house!

   Please Note: To feed and play with your pet, you just need your imagination. ;) Logging into Elfpack often should be sufficient to stop the pet from leaving you. At present, your pet will not actually leave you.

   If you feel you no longer want your adopted pet, go to the Giffie-Pet Pound and do your part in rehoming the unhappy pet!


   The Giffie-Pet Store is undergoing a few changes, so please keep this wiki on watch while things get updated. This section should inform you of any changes that do not directly relate to the subjects above!

Please note that any "Giffie Product" you obtain can be given to a friend at your request, simply send a message to [Bookwyrm] asking your product to be transferred to your friend.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/1312066661.png> Giffie-Pet Slots: These objects, once obtained, give you an extra slot in your treasury for giffies! You can only have a max of five (5) total giffies at any given time, therefore you can only obtain and use four (4) extra giffie-pet slots.
     How to Obtain:
        <img:stuff/aj/28425/1312066661.png> Win one from an official contest or competition.
        <img:stuff/aj/28425/1312066661.png> Purchase one with Togs. (Store coming soon)
        <img:stuff/aj/28425/1312066661.png> Be awarded one for outstanding service to Elfpack.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/1312066661.png> Giffie Rename Tokens: These objects, once obtained, can be turned in for the opportunity to rename any giffie you own! If you've ever adopted a pet from the pound or have a pet you feel you named poorly and have always wanted to rename them--here's your chance! You can obtain and use as many of these as you like.
     How to Obtain:
        <img:stuff/aj/28425/1312066661.png> Win one from an official contest or competition.
        <img:stuff/aj/28425/1312066661.png> Purchase one with Togs. (Store coming soon)
        <img:stuff/aj/28425/1312066661.png> Be awarded one for service to Elfpack.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/1312066661.png> Unique Pet Tickets: These objects, once obtained, may be turned in for one of the Unique Giffie-Pets! Remember that unless you have an open Giffie-Pet Slot you cannot claim your Unique Pet until one of your current pets has been dropped off at the Giffie-Pet Pound. You may obtain and use as many of these as you like, as long as you have a free slot.
     How to Obtain:
        <img:stuff/aj/28425/1312066661.png> Trivia gives away a ticket to the winner of the contest.
        <img:stuff/aj/28425/1312066661.png> Giffie-Pet Staff who show exemplary workmanship will be awarded a pet.
        <img:stuff/aj/28425/1312066661.png> Any member who files 100 good, well-written reports will be awarded a pet.
        <img:stuff/aj/28425/1312066661.png> Elfpack Guards are given a unique-ticket for their service to Elfpack.
        <img:stuff/aj/28425/1312066661.png> Many official Elfpack Contests give them away, as well.
        <img:stuff/aj/28425/1312066661.png> Purchase one with Togs. (Store coming soon)

<img:stuff/aj/28425/1312066661.png> Exotic Pet Tickets: These objects, once obtained, can be turned in for one of the Exotic Pets that can be found at the Normal Pet Storehouse! Remember that unless you have an open Giffie-Pet Slot you cannot claim your Exotic (or Normal, if you like) Pet until one of your current pets has been dropped off at the Giffie-Pet Pound. You can obtain and use as many of these as you like, as long as you have a free slot.
     How to Obtain:
        <img:stuff/aj/28425/1312066661.png> Win one from an official contest or competition.
        <img:stuff/aj/28425/1312066661.png> Purchase one with Togs. (Store coming soon)
        <img:stuff/aj/28425/1312066661.png> Be awarded one for service to Elfpack.

<img:stuff/aj/28425/1312066661.png> Special Blurb Tokens: These objects, once obtained, can be turned in for the opportunity to modify the blurb beneath your giffie-pet! There is a limit of fifteen (15) words (not including your pet's name and species) to be included in this blurb. You may also receive an extra five (5) words for each additional pet in your treasury. You may also request custom formatting (including colors if you have donor privs). The link to the Giffie-Pet Store is not included in the word limit, and cannot be removed. Once used, you must acquire another token to change your blurb again. You may obstain and use as many of these as you like.
     How to Obtain:
        <img:stuff/aj/28425/1312066661.png> Win one from an official contest or competition.
        <img:stuff/aj/28425/1312066661.png> Purchase one with Togs. (Store coming soon)
        <img:stuff/aj/28425/1312066661.png> Be awarded one for service to Elfpack.


Giffie-Pet StoreGiffie-Pet PoundUnique Giffie-PetsOwning A Giffie-PetGiffie-Pet StaffGiffie Help

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